IJURR and RC21 (Research Committee 21, on the Sociology of Urban and Regional Development) of the International Sociological Association were established by the same radical scholars in the 1970s, and continue to have very close links. Neither IJURR nor RC21 are exclusively sociological: IJURR draws on diverse disciplines in critical urban scholarship, whilst RC21 is also a home to many scholars from disciplines besides sociology.

The relationship between IJURR and RC21 is institutionalised in that the Board of RC21 nominates one of its members to serve on the Editorial Board of IJURR, and the Editorial Board of IJURR in turn nominates one of its members, usually a member of the editorial team, to serve on the Board of RC21.

IJURR also hosts lectures or other events at most RC21 conferences. Speakers at recent conferences have included Saskia Sassen, Harvey Molotch, Ayse Caglar, Nina Glick Schiller, Jeremy Seekings, Mike Savage,  AbdouMaliq Simone, and Dennis Rodgers. At the 2018 RC21/ISA conference, IJURR hosted a lecture by Roger Keil, available here.

IJURR and RC21 collaborate in running a School on “Comparative Urban Studies” every two years. Hitherto these have been timed to coincide with RC21 conferences. The inaugural School was held in São Paulo (Brazil), in August 2009. The second School took place in Amsterdam (Netherlands) in July 2011. In 2013, the third School took place in Berlin (Germany). The Fourth School was held in Urbino (Italy) in 2015.

More information about the Schools can be found here.
RC21’s own website is: http://www.rc21.org/
