Dear IJURR authors,
We write to let you know that we are slowing down our editorial work in order to take account of the extraordinary global crisis that now surrounds us. While we recognize that authors are eager to have their papers reviewed, we do not think that such a burden should be placed on reviewers and our editorial office at this time. We will make editorial decisions on papers that have already been reviewed and will proceed with copy-editing and publication of accepted papers. All other papers will remain in our pipeline until we are ready to resume the full range of editorial duties and functions. If you have a paper that was recently submitted, please assume that it falls in this latter category. If you wish to submit a new paper, please do so knowing that we will not send it out for review in the immediate future.We thank you for your patience with us and join other journals that are also pausing their activities in recognition that academic normalcy cannot and should not be maintained at this time. Stay well.
IJURR Editors