Volume 45  Issue 1  January 2021


Cacao Capitalism and Extended Urbanization: On the Contradictory Origins of Bounded Urbanism in Nineteenth‐century Coastal Ecuador

Land Trafficking and the Fertile Spaces of Legality

Suburbanization of the Self: Religious Revival and Socio‐Spatial Fragmentation in Contemporary Poland

Encountering Everyday Racist Practices: Sociospatial Negotiations of Immigrant Settlement in Athens, Greece

Remaking Shanghai: New Divisions in an Expanding Metropolis

From Socialist Subject to Capitalist Object: Industry Enclave Life Past and Present in Wuhan

Day Zero and The Infrastructures of Climate Change: Water Governance, Inequality, and Infrastructural Politics in Cape Town’s Water Crisis

Interweaving the Fabric of Urban Infrastructure: Senegalese City‐making in Rio de Janeiro


Bourdieu Comes to Town: Part II

Urban Symbolic Violence Re‐Made: Religion, Politics and Spatial Struggles in Istanbul

Indigenous Cosmogony and Andean Architecture in El Alto, Bolivia

Taking Bourdieu to the Shantytown

Living With Stigma: Spatial and Social Divisions in a Danish City

Book Reviews

Potts, Deborah 2020: Broken Cities: Inside the Global Housing Crisis. London: Zed Books

Udo Grashoff (ed.) 2020: Comparative Approaches to Informal Housing Around the Globe. London: UCL Press

Montgomery, Alesia M. 2020: Greening the Black Urban Regime: The Culture and Commerce of Sustainability in Detroit. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press

Andersen, Hans Skifter 2019: Ethnic Spatial Segregation in European Cities. New York: Routledge
