Volume 42  Issue 3  May 2018

In This Issue...

In the latest issue of IJURR we showcase a diverse range of urban research covering themes such as sex, sexuality and bio-politics; migration, stigmatization, and stratification; and crime, violence, and vigilantism. The papers explore developments in a wide range of cities drawn from Europe and the Middle East (Blackpool, Istanbul, and Timisoara), North America (New York, Seattle, and Toronto), and South and East Asia (Cairo, Manila, and Shenzhen). We encounter a series of subtle and imaginative conceptual frameworks combined with rigorous and insightful methodological strategies for the exploration of urban life: there is a political and intellectual urgency that permeates many of these contributions that we hope will find resonance in the public sphere. Many of the topics encountered in these papers are difficult to research, handling topics that require a significant degree of theoretical and methodological sophistication, including the study of prostitution, hidden dimensions to urban violence, or psychosocial topographies of fear and hostility.

— Matthew Gandy


Sex Work, Sensory Urbanism and Visual Criminology: Exploring the Role of the Senses in Shaping Residential Perceptions of Brothels in Blackpool

Urban Politics as the Unfolding of Social Relations in Place: The Case of Sexually Transmitted Disease Investigation in Mid-Twentieth-Century Gay Seattle

Urban Vigilantism: A Study of Anti‐Terror Law, Politics and Policing in Istanbul

The Power of Group Stigmatization: Wealthy Roma, Urban Space and Strategies of Defence in Post‐socialist Romania

How Interspersion Affects Class Relations

Seeing Like a City‐State: Behavioural Planning and Governance in Egypt’s First Affordable Gated Community

Making the ‘Invisible’ Visible: Redevelopment‐induced Displacement of Migrants in Shenzhen, China

Territorial Stigmatization and Territorial Destigmatization: A Cultural Sociology of Symbolic Strategy in the Gentrification of Parkdale (Toronto)

Global Best Practice or Regulating Fiction? Street Vending, Zero Tolerance and Conflicts Over Public Space in New York, 1980–2000

Book Reviews

Tim Bunnell 2016: From World City to the World in One City: Liverpool through Malay Lives. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell

Goran Therborn 2017: Cities of Power: The Urban, the National, the Popular, the Global. London and New York: Verso Books

David Madden and Peter Marcuse 2016: In Defense of Housing: The Politics of Crisis. London and New York: Verso Books

Kevin R. Cox 2016: The Politics of Urban and Regional Development and the American Exception. New York: Syracuse University Press

Fulong Wu 2015: Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China. New York: Routledge

Llerena G. Searle 2016: Landscapes of Accumulation: Real Estate and the Neoliberal Imagination in Contemporary India. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press

Theresa Enright 2016: The Making of Grand Paris: Metropolitan Urbanism in the Twenty‐first Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Justin B. Hollander, Erin Graves, Henry Renski, Cara Foster‐Karim, Andrew Wiley and Dibyendu Das 2016: Urban Social Listening: Potential and Pitfalls for Using Microblogging Data in Studying Cities. London: Palgrave Pivot
