Volume 40  Issue 6  November 2016


The Eurozone Crisis and Emerging-Market Expansion: Capital Switching and the Uneven Geographies of Spanish Urbanization

Value at Risk in the Suburbs: Eminent Domain and the Geographical Politics of the US Foreclosure Crisis

Financing China’s Suburbanization: Capital Accumulation through Suburban Land Development in Hangzhou

China’s Emergent City-Region Governance: A New Form of State Spatial Selectivity through State-orchestrated Rescaling

Self-Organization and Urban Development: Disaggregating the City-Region, Deconstructing Urbanity in Amsterdam

Beyond a Liberal Critique of ‘Trickle Down’: Urban Planning in the City of Malmö

The Situations of Urban Inquiry: Thinking Problematically about the City


Justice As Subject and Object of Planning

Accessing the Urban Commons Through the Mediation of Information: The Eliana Silva Occupation, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Book Reviews

Shane Ewen 2016: What is Urban History? Cambridge and Malden, MA: Polity Press

Rowland Atkinson and Keith Jacobs 2016: House, Home and Society. London: Palgrave

Carlo Fanelli 2016: Megacity Malaise: Neoliberalism, Public Services and Labour in Toronto. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing

Dan Immergluck 2015: Preventing the Next Mortgage Crisis: The Meltdown, the Federal Response, and the Future of Housing in America. New York and London: Rowman and Littlefield

Michael Peter Smith and L. Owen Kirkpatrick (eds.) 2015: Reinventing Detroit: The Politics of Possibility. Comparative Urban and Community Research Series, Volume 11. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers

Peter F. Burns and Matthew O. Thomas 2015: Reforming New Orleans: The Contentious Politics of Change in the Big Easy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Christoph Haferburg and Marie Huchzermeyer (eds.) 2015: Urban Governance in Post-apartheid Cities: Modes of Engagement in South Africa’s Metropoles. UKZN Press, Pietermaritzburg (first published in German by Gebr. Borntrager Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 2014)

Graham Denyer-Willis 2015: The Killing Consensus: Police, Organized Crime, and the Regulation of Life and Death in Urban Brazil. Durham: Duke University Press
