Volume 39  Issue 3  May 2015

Urban Worlds

Toponymy as Commodity: Exploring the Economic Dimensions of Urban Place Names


Justifying Redevelopment ‘Failures’ Within Urban ‘Success Stories’: Dispute, Compromise, and a New Test of Urbanity

Building from Scratch: New Cities, Privatized Urbanism and the Spatial Restructuring of Johannesburg after Apartheid

‘Eco’ For Whom? Envisioning Eco-urbanism in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city, China

Entanglements of Periphery and Informality in Mexico City

We Blame the Building! The Architecture of Distributed Responsibility

Santiago Calatrava and the ‘Power of Faith’: Global Imaginaries in Valencia

Multiple Temporalities of Policy Circulation: Gradual, Repetitive and Delayed Processes of BRT Adoption in South African Cities


The Politics of Post-Suburban Densification in Canada and France

Hard and Soft Densification Policies in the Paris City‐Region

The Politics of Place: Place‐making versus Densification in Toronto’s Tower Neighbourhoods

‘Many Rivers to Cross’: Suburban Densification and the Social Status Quo in Greater Lyon

Suburban Inertia: The Entrenchment of Dispersed Suburbanism

Book Reviews

Danny Dorling 2014: All that is Solid: The Great Housing Disaster. London: Penguin. Cathy David 2013: Finance for Housing: An Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press

Susan Parnell and Sophie Oldfield (eds.) 2014: The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South. New York: Routledge

Vinit Mukhija and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris (eds.) 2014: The Informal American City: Beyond Taco Trucks and Day Labor. Cambridge, MA and London: The MIT Press

Robert J. Sampson 2012: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect. Chicago: Chicago University Press

Geoff Harkness 2014: Chicago Hustle and Flow: Gangs, Gangsta Rap, and Social Class. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Edward Relph (2014) Toronto: Transformations in a City and its Region. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press

Andrea Mubi Brighenti (ed.) 2013: Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-between. Farnham: Ashgate

Dexter Whitfield 2014: Unmasking Austerity: Opposition and Alternatives in Europe and North America. Nottingham: Spokesman Books
