Volume 39  Issue 1  January 2015


IJURR Editorial

Urban Worlds

The Nature of Cities: The Scope and Limits of Urban Theory

Urbanizing Urban Political Ecology: A Critique of Methodological Cityism


Reconstituting the Possible: Lefebvre, Utopia and the Urban Question

How Globalization Really Happens: Remembering Activism in the Transformation of Istanbul

Making ‘Global Sydney’: Spatial Imaginaries, Worlding and Strategic Plans

Postcolonializing Berlin and the Fabrication of the Urban

The Enclave, the Citadel and the Ghetto: The Threefold Segregation of Upper-Class Muslims in India

Governing enclosure: The Role of Governance in Producing Gated Communities and Guarded Neighborhoods in Malaysia

The ‘Black Metropolis’ in the American Urban System of the Early Twentieth Century: Harlem, Bronzeville and Beyond


Comparative Urbanism and the ‘Asian City’: Implications for Research and Theory

Resilience and Justice

Post-Childe, Post-Wirth: Response to Smith, Ur and Feinman

Book Reviews

Orson Scott 2013: Building like Moses with Jacobs in Mind: Contemporary Planning in New York City. Philadelphia: Temple University Press Sonia Hirt and Diane Zahm (eds.) 2012: The Urban Wisdom of Jane Jacobs. New York: Routledge

Michele Acuto and Wendy Steele (eds.) 2013: Global City Challenges: Debating a Concept, Improving the Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Jefferey M. Sellers, Daniel Kübler, Melanie Walter-Rogg and R. Alan Walks (eds.) 2013: The Political Ecology of the Metropolis: Metropolitan Sources of Electoral Behaviour in Eleven Countries. Colchester: ECPR Press

Phil Cohen 2013: On the Wrong Side of the Track? East London and the Post Olympics. London: Lawrence and Wishart

Georgina Blakeley and Brendan Evans 2013: The Regeneration of East Manchester: A Political Analysis. Manchester: University of Manchester Press

Bowen Paulle 2013: Toxic Schools. High-poverty Education in New York and Amsterdam. Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Jason Young 2013: China’s Hukou System: Markets, Migrants, and Institutional Change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
