Volume 37  Issue 2  March 2013

Urban Worlds

Your Life Chances Affect Where You Live: A Critique of the ‘Cottage Industry’ of Neighbourhood Effects Research

A Theory of Socio‐spatial Integration: Problems, Policies and Concepts from a US Perspective


The Primacy of Space in Politics: Bargaining Rights, Freedom and Power in an İstanbul Neighborhood

‘Social Mix’ and Neighbourhood Revitalization in a Transatlantic Perspective: Comparing Local Policy Discourses and Expectations in Paris (France), Bristol (UK) and Montréal (Canada)

Mixed‐Tenure Neighbourhoods in London: Policy Myth or Effective Device to Alleviate Deprivation?

‘Positive’ Gentrification, Social Control and the ‘Right to the City’ in Mixed‐Income Communities: Uses and Expectations of Space and Place

Neoliberalization, Housing Institutions and Variegated Gentrification: How the ‘Third Wave’ Broke in Amsterdam

City Children and Genderfied Neighbourhoods: The New Generation as Urban Regeneration Strategy

‘I Don’t Like My Children to Grow up in this Bad Area’: Parental Anxieties about Living in Informal Settlements

Gentrification, Education and Exclusionary Displacement in East London

Controlling the Urban Fabric: The Complex Game of Distance and Proximity in European Upper‐Middle‐Class Residential Strategies

Neoliberalism, Race and the Redefining of Urban Redevelopment

Reconfiguring Belonging in the Suburban US South: Diversity, ‘Merit’ and the Persistence of White Privilege

Inside the ‘Smoke‐Filled Room’: Neoliberal Devolution and the Politics of Workfare in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas

Origins of an Urban Crisis: The Restructuring of the San Francisco Bay Area and the Geography of Foreclosure

The Regime of Informality in Neoliberal Times in Turkey: The Case of the Kadifekale Urban Transformation Project

Urban Renewal in Istanbul: Reconfigured Spaces, Robotic Lives

Then I’ll Huff, and I’ll Puff, and I’ll . . . : A Natural Experiment on Property Titling, Housing Improvement and the Psychology of Tenure Security

Equity, Fairness and Justice Implications of Land Tenure Formalization in Cameroon

Extending the Resource‐Based Approach to Livelihoods: An Urban Application to Turkish Gecekondu Households


Commentary on Politics of Urbanism: Seeing Like a City by Warren Magnusson

Seeing Like a Theorist

Book Reviews

Urban Flow: Bike Messengers and the City – By Jeffrey L. Kidder

City, Street and Citizen: The Measure of the Ordinary – By Suzanne Hall

Everyday Environmentalism: Creating an Urban Political Ecology – By Alex Loftus

The New Middle Classes: Globalizing Lifestyles, Consumerism, and Environmental Concern – Edited by Lange Hellmuth and Meier Lars

In‐Between‐Infrastructure: Urban Connectivity in an Age of Vulnerability – Edited by Douglas Young, Patricia Burke Wood and Roger Keil
