Volume 28  Issue 4  December 2004




Motility: mobility as capital

Fragmented coherence: solid waste management in Colombo

The road to homeownership: a longitudinal analysis of tenure transition in urban China (1949–94)

Territories in action, territories for action: the territorial dimension of Italian local development policies

Participatory democracy and political opportunism: municipal experience in Italy and Spain (1960–93)

Imoannatori and business angels: two models of informal capital provision


Scales of Neoliberalism

Rescaling and reforming the state under NAFTA: implications for subnational authority

Neoliberalism and casualization of public sector services: the case of waste collection services in Cape Town, South Africa

Privatization Bolivian style: a cautionary tale


The question of rent: the emerging urban housing crisis in the new century

New trends in urban development and public policy in eastern Germany: dealing with the vacant housing problem at the local level

The sentimental city: the lost urbanism of Pierre Mac Orlan and Guy Debord

Review Essays

From nation‐building to globalization: an account of the past and present in recent urban studies in Turkey

The aftermath of France’s last moral panic and its sociology

Book Reviews

Book Reviews


IJURR Referees 2004
