Volume 12  Issue 2  June 1988


Flexible production systems and regional development: the rise of new industrial spaces in North America and western Europe*

Housing in US Fordism*

The ecologist movement in Brazil (1974–1986): from environmentalism to ecopolitics

A note on biotechnology and the food production chain. Some social and spatial implications of changing production technology

Some remarks on informal work, social polarization and the social structure*

The Japanese Technopolis programme: high‐tech development strategy or industrial policy in disguise?

Urban sociology in Brazil: a research report

Old huts and new regulations: changes in the Hong Kong squatter property market

Research programme in West Germany: the history and future of cities in Europe

Conference on Technology, Restructuring, and Urban‐Regional Development, Dubrovnik, June 1987

Sixth Urban Change and Conflict Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, September 1987:* is there a postmodern turn in urban studies?

Book Reviews

Book Reviews
