Umar Al Faruq (Indonesia)
Kings College London, Geography
A Spatial Conjunctural History Of Nusantara: Infrastructure-Led Development And Technopolitics In The Construction Of Nusantara
Marcela Alonso Ferreira (Brazil)
Sciences Po, Political Science
Governing informal land tenure in megacities: a comparative historical analysis of land regularization in Mexico City and São Paulo
Sara Gebremeskel (Ethiopia)
IUAV School of doctorate study in Architecture, city, and design, University of Venezia, Italy
Streets as links and practices of resistance in Ethiopia: How pedestrian mobility inform urban design and planning
Nihal Hafez (Egypt)
UCL, Development Planning
(Re)Configuring Downtown Cairo: The Politics of Heritage in Egypt post-2011 revolution
Lamis Jamil (Lebanese)
Coventry University, Social Studies of Agroecology, Water and Resilience
Cooking People’s Knowledge: A Case Study of the Granville Community Kitchen (GCK) in South Kilburn, London
Mengzhi Ling (Chinese)
National University of Singapore, Architecture
The Impact of Urban Fabric and Ownership on Urban Life in Retail Areas: The Everyday (Urban) Life in Yong Qing Fang, China
Janaina Maldonado (Brazil)
University of Hamburg, Sociology
Signal Cities: violence, respectability and materiality in Brazilian urban governance
Manuela Monarcha Murad da Silveira (Brazil)
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Geography
From body as territory to feminicides mapping: practices, discourses and mapping languages by Latin American feminist cartographies
Boitumelo Veronica Matlala (South Africa)
The University of the Witwatersrand, Urban and Regional Planning
NGO mediation in Urban Development: the role of NGOs in participatory urban development
Diana Torres Obregon (Peru)
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú– PUCP, Sociology
THE CITY OF ETERNAL HOPE: Analysis of the subjective dimension of inequality associated with the process of self-production of urban space in Lima, Peru (1990-2024).
Harshita Sinha (India)
LSE, International Development
Lost Across Borders: A study of Urban Informal Migrant Workers and the subnational welfare ecosystems in India
Maria Khristine (Tin) Alvarez (Philippines)
The Bartlett, UCL, Development Planning
Resilient city making in the time of climate catastrophe: Imaginaries, Processes, Paradoxes, Futures, and Promise
Aireen Grace Andal (Philippines)
Macquarie University, Sydney, Geography and Planning
Social Spaces of Child Play: Discourses, Identities, Practices, and Imaginaries among Slum-dwelling Children in the Philippines
Bojana Babic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Humboldt University of Berlin
Towards the re-making the City and Urban Life of Istanbul: The market practice of the (dis)placed Syrian women in Fatih
Angana Banerjee (India)
Tata Institute of social sciences, Mumbai, Habitat Studies
Mills to Real Estate: Examining the formal and informal trajectories of urban transformation across locked industrial lands in Serampore, West Bengal
Kriti Budhiraja (India)
University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Sociology
Segregated Sociality: How University Life Shapes Inequality
Joyce Angnayeli Eledi Kuusaana (Ghana)
Utrecht University/Technical University of Darmstadt, Urban Planning
The making of urban resilience: Critical energy infrastructure in Accra and Dar es Salaam
Tarh M. Eyong (Cameroon)
The University of Western Cape
Social Justice and the Governance of Solar Energy: a Study of Viking Business Park, Epping and Shoprite Distribution Center
Ángel Gómez (Mexico)
El Colegio de México, A. C., Urban and Environmental Studies
The dispute over El Chamizal Park in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
Vivek Mishra (India)
Northeastern University, Boston, Public Policy
Republic of Affluents: Elite Informals and the cultural production of property in Delhi
Faizaan Qayyum (Pakistan)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Regional Planning
Ethnicized Displacements: A Comparative Study of the Lived Experiences of Afghan Pashtuns and Afghan Hazaras in Quetta, Pakistan
Ceyda Sungur (Turkey)
Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Geography
Production of urban space in light of the women service workers in Istanbul
Amira Saad (Palestinian)
University of Basel, Urban Studies
The Slow Violence of Israeli Settler-Colonialism and the Political Ecology of Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank: Wild Boars, Demobilized Bodies, Hostile Geographies
Yinglei Chen (Chinese)
Oxford University, Migration Studies
Rethinking the Oriental City: Urban Process and Mobility of Urban Elites in Ethnic Southwest China
Mohammad Sajjad Hussain (Indian)
University of Delhi, Sociology
Platform Economy and Labour: A Sociological Study with Reference to Delivery Boys
Dian Tri Irawaty (Indonesian)
UCLA, Geography
Grassroot struggles for housing justice in Jakarta, Indonesia
Rita Nasr (Lebanese)
Reading University, Real Estate and Planning
Strategies for persistence in a suspended planning system: Learning from solid waste practices in refugees camp and urban settings in the context of Lebanon
Lakshmi Pradeep (Indian)
National University of Singapore, South Asian Studies
“Reef for Life”: An Anthropological Study of Nature, People and Coral Conservation on Lakshadweep Islands, Indian Ocean
Selamawit Wondimu Robi (Ethiopian)
Sheffield University, Urban Studies and Planning
The Politics of Urban Industrialization: Integrating the Urban Industrial Nexus in Ethiopia’s Disintegrating Party State
Vivian Rodríguez Rocha (Mexican)
Penn State, Geography
Counter-topographies of care: care activism in the movement for women’s lives in Mexico
Pedro Silva Rocha Lima (Brazilian)
Manchester University, Social Anthropology
Humanitarianism Otherwise: Risk Management and Armed Violence in Rio de Janeiro
Prerona Das (Indian)
‘Track’ing the Border: Micro-geographies of Infrastructural Borders in Guwahati, India
National University of Singapore, Geography
Tinashe P. Kanosvamhira (Zimbabwean)
University of the Western Cape , Geography, Environmental Studies and Tourism
Urban community gardens and urban justice in the Cape Flats
Xi Lu (Chinese)
Sheffield University, Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning
A Multi-scale Study of Stakeholder Participation and Visualisation in Chinese Urban Planning: The Case of the Pearl River Delta
Paul Moawad (Lebanese)
UCL, Planning
Deconstructing the Lebanese-Syrian borderscape through waiting and temporality: a comparative study on informal settlements in Lebanon along the borderline
Brena O’Dwyer Spina Da Rosa Machado (Brazilian)
National Museum of Brazil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Social Anthropology
Feminicide in Rio de Janeiro: an analysis of the Brazilian feminist movement, gender, emotions and state in gender violence contexts
Persis Taraporevala (Indian)
Kings College, London, Geography
Homegrown’ Smart Cities: empowering or deregulating Indian municipal government
Samuel Twumasi Amoah (Ghanaian)
University of Cape Town, Environmental and Geographical Science
“Trader, Goods and City-dreams”: The micro governance of street trading in Wa, Ghana
Divine Mawuli Asafo (Ghanaian)
University of Sheffield, Urban Studies and Planning
Peri-urban Development: Land acquisition and conflict in peri-urban Accra, Ghana, and their impact on housing development
Diego Astorga de Ita (Mexican)
Durham University, Human Geography
‘Through the old forest of / mahogany and cedar’: Musical geographies of the Mexican Leeward
Kenneth Lawrence Cardenas (Filipino)
York University, Ontario, Geography
Capitalist class transformation and urban fictitious commodities in the 21st century Philippines
Cansu Civelek (Turkish)
University of Vienna, Social and Cultural Anthropology
Non-spectacular policy making: Silence and resistance in an abortive urban renewal project in Eskişehir, Turkey
Anastasiya Halauniova (Belarussian)
University of Amsterdam, Sociology
The Banality of Ugly. Aesthetic Valuation of Buildings and Political Imaginaries in Poland and Lithuania
Luciana Mendes Barbosa (Brazilian)
Lancaster University, Urban Geography
Displacing urban risk, risking urban displacement: governmental precarization, vulnerability and resistance in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas
Fadi Shayya (Lebanese)
University of Manchester, Architecture
Technologies of Survivability: How the Military Scripts Urban Relations
Telma de Sousa Bemerguy (Brazilian)
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Social Anthropology
Frames of a civilizational road project: colonial durability, racialization and urbanization at the Brazilian Amazon
Yawei Zhao (Chinese)
University of Calgary, Geography
A utopia for young Chinese? Newcomers and new spaces in a small city
Amitangshu Acharya (Indian)
University of Edinburgh, Human Geography
Political ecology of small things: the curious case of domestic water purifiers in Bhuj city, Gujarat, India
Yasmin Ara (Bangladeshi)
University of Lancaster, Urban Geography/Urban Planning
The role of multi-scalar private entrepreneurs in shaping the built- lived environment for the urban poor in low-income informal settlements: A Dhaka-Delhi analysis.
Amin El Yousfi (Moroccan)
University of Cambridge, Sociology
The Neoliberal Bureaucratization of Mosques within the Suburbs of Paris and London
Maria Evangalina Filippi (Argentinian)
University College London, Development Planning
Understanding disaster risk management as an everyday concept and practice in municipal government policy, planning and management: learning from the experience of Santa Fe, Argentina, with urban flood risk
Samir Harb (Palestinian)
University of Manchester, Human Geography
Imaginary and Autonomy: urbanisation, construction, and cement production in Palestine
Diego Molina Franco (Colombian)
University of Reading, Human Geography
Planting trees and excluding people: the social consequences of the creation of green spaces in 19th Century Bogota
Camila Pereira Saraiva (Brazilian)
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Urban and Regional Planning
Disassembling Connections: Circulating Ideas and Practices of Slum Upgrading in Durban and São Paulo
Leslie Touré Kapo (Ivory Coast)
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (Québec), Urban Studies
Youth, Space and Radicalization: The Everyday Adventures of Racialized Youth in Montreal
Thandiwe Loewenson (Zimbabwean)
University College London, Architectural Design
Tender and Weird: Interventions into the Urban Landscapes of Extraction
Aya Nassar (Egyptian)
The University of Warwick, Politics and International Studies
The Politics of space: Cairo in the post-independence state
Angela Maria Osorio Mendez (Colombian)
Gran Sasso Science Institute (L’Aquila, Italy), Urban Studies
Motherhoods (un)locked: women’s (in)accessibility to health services in the city of Naples and the incidence of geographical location
Lana Salman (Lebanese)
University of California Berkeley, City and Regional Planning
Governing through expectation: an ethnography of democratic transition in Tunisia
Vera Smirnova (Russian)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Planning Governance and Globalization
On the Land, Territory, and Crisis Triad: Extra-legal Appropriation, Border Materialities, and Enclosure of the Russian Land Commune
Ezana Haddis Weldeghebrael (Ethiopian)
The University of Manchester, Planning and Environmental Management
Inner-city Redevelopment in a Country Aspiring to Build a Developmental State: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Eduardo Guillermo Delgado Castañeda (Mexican)
University of Cape Town, Urbanism, Spatial Planning
Contemporary land and housing practices in Namibia: the production of space outside the perimeter of the modern paradigm
Uyi Ezeanah (Nigerian)
University of Sheffield, Urban Studies & Planning
How do formal and informal institutions for delivery and accessing housing influence the quantity and quality of housing in Benin City?
Koca Mehmet Kentel (Turkish)
University of Washington, Near & Middle Eastern Studies
Assembling ‘Cosmopolitanism’: Making Modern Pera through Infrastructure in Late Ottoman Istanbul
Narendra Varma Killada (Indian)
University of Oxford, Geography & the Environment
Environmental publics in the Indian case: situated interpretations of nature and democracy in addressing resource conflicts
Katerina Mojanchevska (Macedonian)
Erasmus University Rotterdam, International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Social Studies
Accommodation of Cultural Diversity in Public Space: the perspective of multicultural neighbourhoods in the city of Skopje, Macedonia
Subhashni Iswar Lata Raj (Fijian)
University at Buffalo, State University of New York, Urban & Regional Planning
Reimagining resilience: How innovative water governance can facilitate agrarian resiliency and sustainable urban development in a changing climate in the arid American Southwest?
Huda Tayob (South African)
University College London, Architecture, History & Theory
Hidden histories and Invisible Spaces: African Markets in Cape Town
Fariba Alamgir (Bangladeshi)
University of East Anglia & University of Copenhagen
Land Conflicts in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh: Dynamics of Property, Identity and Authority
Pinar Aykac (Turkish)
University College London, The Bartlett School of Architecture
Musealisation in the Urban Context: Multiple Narratives of Sultanahmet Archaeological Park in Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula
Ting Deng (Chinese)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Occupying Coffee Bars: Spatial Politics of Chinese Entrepreneurship in Bologna, Italy
Jorge Carlos Derpic (Bolivian)
University of Texas at Austin
From accomplices to opponents. The Anaemic State and collective violence in marginal areas of a Latin American city
Wangui Kimari (Kenyan)
York University, Toronto
“Nai-rob-me” “Nai-beg-me” “Nai-shanty”: Historicizing the connection between space and subjectivity in Nairobi from its ruins.
Napong Tao Rugkhapan (Thai)
University of Michigan
Planning Chinatown: Vocabulary, space, and technopolitics of historic preservation – a study of three preservation-planning regimes of Chinatowns in three Southeast Asian cities, Bangkok (Thailand), Penang (Malaysia), and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).
Shiva Shadravan (Iranian)
Technique University of Berlin
Exploring the Historical Evolution of Built Environment and its Impact on the Sense of Place: The Karim Khan Zand Street in Shiraz
Melissa Wanjiru (Kenyan)
University of Tsukuba
Toponymic Inscriptions and Urban Identity in Nairobi, Kenya. Assessing the historical and current dynamics of place naming
Yingchan Zhang (Chinese)
Northeastern University, Boston
Tapping the flow: the global circulation of talent and urban development in China
Monica Farias (Argentinean)
University of Washington
Mapping alternative political futures: popular assemblies and cross-class alliances in post-crisis Buenos Aires
Simone Da Silva Ribeiro Gomes (Brazilian)
Rio de Janeiro State University
On violence and social movements – the political opportunities structure of young activists in a periphery in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sheila Kamunyori (Kenyan)
London School of Economics and Political Science
Informal people and the formal state: conflicting rationalities in a slum upgrading project in Nairobi
Prasad Khanolkar (Indian)
University of Toronto
Slums as Constellations
Madhura Lohokare (Indian)
Syracuse University
Making men in the city: articulating space and masculinity in urban India
Debora Swistun (Argentinean)
National University of San Martin, Argentina
Polluted but also home: politics of design and social costs of the Matanza-Riachuelo river basin ecological upgrading mega project (Buenos Aires)
Fang Xu (Chinese)
City University of New York
‘China Dream’ or Local Language in Cosmopolitan Shanghai: state politics and place-bound identity
Aysegul Can (Turkish)
University of Sheffield
The Relationship between Neighbourhood Renovation and Gentrification in a Historic Environment: The Example of Istanbul.
Monique Carvalho (Brazilian)
Rio de Janeiro State University
Contrasts and conflicts between a state policy, the UPP (Police Pacification Unit), and the Populatino of Borel, a consolidated favela of Rio de Janeiro.
Devanshi Chanchani (Indian)
University of East Anglia
Between the North and the South: Reproduction and Child Nutrition in Chhattisgarh, Central India.
Huimin Du (Chinese)
Hong Kong Baptist University
Leaving Home in Chaohu: Migration and Transition of Educated Young People from Peripheral Areas of China.
Palloma Menezes (Brazilian)
Rio de Janeiro State University
Shifts in “pacified” favelas: a study on the impacts of the Pacifying Police Units in Rio de Janeiro.
Alexandra Oanca (Romanian)
Central European University
Inside the City Sales Pitch: Knowledge, Expertise and Entrepreneurial Urbanism in the Spanish Bidding Wars for the European Capital of Culture 2016 Title.
Daniel Oviedo Hernandez (Colombian)
University College London
Access from the periphery: fragmented planning and transport strategies of the urban poor in Colombia.
Chao Wang (Chinese)
University of Toronto
Informality and Order on China’s Urban Edge: The case of Panzhihua.
M. Shafiq-Ur Rahman (Bangladeshi)
University of Leeds
Integrating Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Systems with Rickshaws in Developing Cities: A Case Study on Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Cristiana Strava (Romanian)
SOAS, University of London
At Home with Modernity: Exploring Place-Making in a Casablanca Slum
Kristen Biehl (Turkish)
University of Oxford
Encountering diversity: migration and everyday experiences with difference in a globalizing space of Istanbul
Judit Veres (Romanian)
Central European University, Budapest Hungary
The production and contestation of urban public spaces in post-socialist Budapest
Kasphia Nahrin (Bangladeshi)
University of the West of England
Potential policies and strategies for reducing the environmental impacts of informal housing: an analysis of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Carla Mattos (Brazilian)
Rio de Janeiro State University
Gender, stigma, and anticipating violence in the daily lives of residents of a favela in Rio de Janeiro
Rosalina Babourkova-Horner (Bulgarian)
University College London
Spatialities of injustice: the production and reproduction of urban illegality in Sofia, Bulgaria