Applications for 2025 workshops are now CLOSED, applicants will be contacted by the end of April.
Workshop Information
As part of our mission to support early career scholars in the global South, The Foundation will fund one or two workshops up to the value of £5,000 in 2025. We welcome applications from scholars from the global South, for small to medium sized workshops either as standalone events or workshops linked to a larger conference or event. The Foundation has a strong preference for events located in regions of the global South that aim to foreground critical perspectives on urban issues emerging from within these regions (see the eligible regions based on World Bank criteria here).
Purpose of workshops
To deliver strategic and targeted support to develop skills and knowledge of early career scholars that will enhance international profile (e.g. support for publishing in international journals, applying for international grants, securing international jobs, international conference presentation training).
Events organized in low/middle income countries (World Bank classification), by scholars from Global South and/or based at institutions in Global South will be strongly prioritized.
Information about previous workshops can be found on the Foundation’s events page
Selection criteria
- Viability of the institutional host and funding scheme;
- Regional and contextual relevance to IJURR’s scope;
- If the workshop is not taking place in the Global South (geographically), we need to see the evidence that the support goes only to scholars and/or institutions from the Global South;
- We welcome applications from IJURR Foundation Alumni and RC21 Summer School Alumni, but this is not a prerequisite;
- Explicit focus on targeting scholars who lack prior publishing experience;
- Content of workshop delivers strategic and targeted support to developing skills and knowledge of scholars that will enhance international profile (e.g. support for publishing in international journals, applying for international grants, securing international jobs, international conference presentation training);
- The proposed workshop will be promoted through our website and social media channels.
- We do not fund personal projects e.g. research projects, individual book launches
- Before the workshop: Send us a short piece of text with an image (logo, title, etc.) so that we can announce the workshop on our LinkedIn page and website as an event the Foundation is supporting;
- During the workshop: Please take photos, provide written consent from people who are in the photos, and share them with us with a very short text (1-2 sentences) so that we can share this through our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. During the workshop also make sure you use the IJURR Foundation logo and refer to our support for this event;
- After the workshop: Following the event, we would like to receive a small report written in the form of a Blogpost for the Foundation website. This should also have an image (photo), explain the purpose of the event, the program, who participated (in general) and how it went, written in an easy-going language.
- Kindly note that for travel expenses we will require economy class airline tickets for workshop organizers (within the given fixed budget).
How to Apply
Applicants must be completed no later than 31st January (by 23:59 GMT). Applicants will be informed whether they are successful or unsuccessful by the end of April. For any queries contact: [email protected].