Our aim is to promote and improve social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of urban, rural and regional studies. While the main work of the Foundation is to award grants, we do support a number of other projects currently and in the past.

RC21 Summer/Winter School

RC21 (Research Council 21 of the International Sociological Association) and IJURR collaborate to run a summer school every two years. Generous funding from the IJURR Foundation allows RC21 to offer scholarships to PhD students from low and middle income countries covering the costs of their participation. Schools have been held every 2 years from 2009 – 2019 in various cities including Berlin, Sao Paolo, London/Leeds and Delhi.

More details on past schools. 

Visit the RC21 website

Ray Pahl Fellowship 2012-2017

The Ray Pahl Fellowship was run by the IJURR Foundation from 2012 – 2017 to enable a post-doctoral researcher within five years of being awarded a doctorate to spend a year writing a series of articles or a book based on their PhD research. It is named after Ray Pahl one of the founders of the IJURR Foundation (previously Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies, FURS).

Details on the fellowship and past award holders 

Research Grants 1995-2014

In the earlier days of FURS, grants were awarded to early career scholars, post PhD. The grants were to help fund small research projects – help with field work expenses or to encourage networking and conference attendance. These awards were replaced with Ray Pahl fellowships and writing up grants. A past grant holder, Tuna Tasan Kok is now one of the trustees for the IJURR Foundation.

See past award holders

FURS Student Essay Competition 2002-2015

A joint initiative with Wiley-Blackwell the publisher of the IJURR journal. Prizes were awarded to students for the best essay on urban and regional themes by young authors. One winning essay : Then I’ll Huff, and I’ll Puff, and I’ll…: A Natural Experiment on Property Titling, Housing Improvement and the Psychology of Tenure Security by Jean Louis Van Gelder, The Netherlands/Belgium was published in IJURR Vol 37.2, March 2013. It can be found online here.

Details of all winners of the essay competition here.
