IJURR’s review section provides an informed, critical overview of the most important new publications as well as relevant, less obvious books that should not be overlooked. Spanning a wide subject and geographic area, this section is a reliable and valuable resource for researchers. Whilst we welcome suggestions for reviews of important and ground-breaking books, unsolicited reviews are not encouraged. Reviews should situate the book in its wider context of relevance, summarize the main arguments and finally address the reviewer’s own commentary. Reviews should ideally consist of 800-1000 words, though for multiple books this is lengthened to 1500.

Starting in Summer 2022, we also introduce Intraviews, a format aimed at introducing into our discussions books (or, in justified cases, other text formats) published in languages other than English. Intraviews should present this work as much as possible on its own terms, while also explaining to international  audiences how it intervenes in the local (and, if applicable, international) debates. Standard ‘framing’ of the argument in the context of mainstream anglophone research is needed only if it creates real value. Bringing the author’s voice through generous quotations is encouraged. Intraviews  should ideally consist of 1000-1500 words. Full Intraview guidelines are available here.

All books for review, book reviews and intraviews should be sent to: Joanna Kusiak, Book Reviews Editor, King’s College, University of Cambridge, UK. Email: [email protected], with CC to [email protected].

Views expressed in this section are independent and do not represent the opinion of the editors.