Authors meet Critics is a joint initiative of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) and the Studies in Urban and Social Change book series published by Wiley-Blackwell. It aims at establishing a closer link between readership and authors, supporting scholarly debate at an international level with new technologies. In particular, it wants to provide younger scholars with an opportunity to engage in a debate with IJURR and SUSC authors.

The fourth edition of Authors Meet Critics took place from January until May 2016 and comprised a series of online seminars of approximately 1.5 hours each with one (or more) of the leading authors who published relevant contributions in the last few years. During this period the participants were able to ask questions, make comments and discuss the specific essay published in the Journal or in the book series with the author(s). It provides an important opportunity to engage in an international scientific exchange on theoretical and empirical work in the field of urban studies.

Participants to Authors Meet Critics 2016 can be found here, the syllabus and recordings below.