Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Albrechts, L., Moulaert, F., Roberts, P. and Swyngedouw, E., editors, 1989: Regional policy at the crossroads: European perspectives.

Bagnasco, A. 1988: La costruzione sociale del mercato.

Ball, M. 1988: Rebuilding construction: economic change in the British construction industry.

Boulton, J. 1987: Neighbourhood and society: a London suburb in the seventeenth century.

Dogan, M. and Kasarda, J.D., editors, 1988: The metropolis era: volume 1, A world of giant cities; volume 2, Mega‐Cities.

Dose, N. and Drexler, A. editors, 1988: Technologieparks. Voraussetzungen, Bestandsaufnahme und Kritik.

Eisenstadt, S.N. and Shachar, A. 1987: Society, culture and civilisation.

Gaskell, G. and Benewick, R. editors, 1987: The crowd in contemporary Britain

Hajer, M. A. 1989: City politics.

Hamnett, C. and Randolph, B. 1988: Cities, housing and profits: flat breakup and the decline of private renting.

Harris, R. 1988: Democracy in Kingston: a social movement in urban politics 1965–1970.

Healey, P., McNamara, P., Elson, M. and Doak, A. 1988: Land use planning and the mediation of urban change.

Helman, C. 1987: The Milton‐Park affair: Canada’s largest citizen‐developer confrontation.

Howells, J. and Green, A. 1988: Technological innovation, structural change and location in UK services.

Howells, J. 1988: Economic, technological and locational trends in European services.

Hudson, R. 1989: Wrecking a region: state policies, party politics and regional change in North East England.

Jessen, J., Siebel, W., Siebel‐Rebell, Chr., Walther, U.‐J. and Weyrather, I. editors, 1988: Arbeit nach der Arbeit — Schattenwirtschaft, Wertewandel und Industriearbeit.

Johnston, R.J., Pattie, C.J. and Allsopp, J.G. 1988: A nation dividing? The electoral map of Great Britain 1979–1987.

Law, CM. with Grime, E.K., Grundy, C.J., Senior, M.L. and Tuppen, J.N. 1988: The uncertain future of the urban core.

Plotkin, S. 1987: Keep out: the struggle for land use control.
