IJURR has been at the forefront of urban and regional research for over 40 years. Over the decades, an impressive set of scholars has become an established part of the IJURR community and new generations of urban scholars have entered the field. IJURR’s new web initiative aims to connect these generations by featuring interviews by early-career researchers with senior academics, and seeks to stimulate in-depth exchanges between scholars who might not have entered into conversation otherwise.

“The Urban Middle East”: A Conversation on Beirut and Knowledge Production with Hiba Bou Akar

Noura Wahby

“This story is significantly a land story”: A conversation on privatization with Brett Christophers

Frances Brill

Early-career researchers who would like to participate are encouraged to contact the IJURR web content producer. Potential interviewees can be selected in consultation with the web editor, but should preferably have recently published a book, started or completed a major research project, or have otherwise been engaged in activities that are of significant interest to the larger urban studies community.
