The latest IJURR lecture will take place in Mexico City on Monday October 27th at 6pm in Casa de la Primera Imprenta de América, ciudad de México Lic. Primo de Verdad 10 (esquina con Moneda), Centro histórico. The lecture is entitled: Housing, peripheries, and informality: Old and new trends, “North” and “South” (Vivienda, periferias e informalidad: Viejas y nuevas tendencias, “Norte” y “Sur”).
The evolution of Latin American critical urban studies will be discussed, from Marxism to postcolonial thought, focusing
on the land and housing question:
- How can theory-building from Latin America help us better understand the US subprime crisis (Gotham, 2009; Rolnik, 2013) or urban squatting in Europe (Martinez, 2013)?
- In what ways does four decades of analysis of informal settlements in Latin America shed light on newly fashionable postcolonial debates in English?
This debate is organized by the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR), with guest speakers Raquel Rolnik, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Priscilla Connolly, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, Mexico; Pedro Abramo, Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Emilio Pradilla Cobos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco; and Maria Kaika, University of Manchester, IJURR Editor.
This is a free public event, with free registration. To register your interest in this event, please click here.
A new accompanying Virtual Issue on ‘Extended’ Latin America is now available here.