Submitting an Article
To submit an article visit:
The key arguments and findings should be outlined in an abstract of not more than 200 words.
IJURR publishes articles that make a decisive and original contribution to critical urban scholarship, drawing on evidence from cities and regions around the world. Manuscripts submitted for consideration are expected to advance concepts and methodologies in the interdisciplinary field of urban studies and to demonstrate the expansion of knowledge through research and theory.
Before submitting an article, authors should look at recently published articles to make sure that their work fits into the broader debates and scholarship promoted by IJURR.
Articles normally don’t exceed 8,000–10,000 words including references. When submitting an article, authors should accept the following conditions:
- The work in the paper is not published in any other form (book, book chapter, part of a book, etc.) or (normally) any other language. We do not accept book summaries. If the work is published in part, or wholly, previously in a language other than English, you will need to declare this. In this case, it is up to the Editors’ judgment to proceed with the review process, or to reject the paper as non-original work.
- The paper is not being submitted to any other journal simultaneously.
- The author is fully authorized to submit the material for publication.
- The author agrees to act as a referee for other submissions to IJURR.
- If accepted, the paper will not be republished without the consent of the publishers.
The Interventions section of IJURR presents shorter, sometimes contentious essays and collections on recent developments in the field — policy, practice and theory — and occasional coverage of truly groundbreaking convocations, mobilizations and reports. These shouldn’t be research papers, as this section aims to create a space for provocation, critical reflection, heuristic propositions and initial reports on the use of new methodologies. It also features debates centered on articles published in this journal that have prompted controversy, conceptual breakthroughs and strong opinions among IJURR’s readership. Interventions collections must have a strong introduction that situates the argument of the collection as a whole, and aims to stimulate discussion and debate.
Length of essays should not normally exceed 5,000 words.
Symposia are collections of 4–6 articles, plus an introduction, which engage with IJURR’s scholarship and build a coherent argument around a specific subject matter. The subject matter of the symposium should fall within the interest of IJURR. A symposium proposal must be submitted in the first instance for consideration by the editors. Symposium proposals will be considered only if they adhere to the symposium submission guidelines, available here.
Calls for Papers
The IJURR editors may occasionally curate a themed issue based on research interests identified by the Editorial Board. In these cases, the journal will put out a call for abstracts on emerging research on specific topics and/or regions. The editors will review the abstracts soon after the specified deadline and notify the author if a full paper is invited. Full papers invited in response to calls for papers will be subject to external peer review. These papers may result in the publication of a themed issue with an editorial introduction, or individual articles published in the journal.
Book Reviews
IJURR’s review section provides an informed, critical overview of the most important new publications as well as relevant, less obvious books that should not be overlooked. Spanning a wide subject and geographic area, this section is a reliable and valuable resource for researchers. Whilst we welcome suggestions for reviews of important and ground-breaking books, unsolicited reviews are not encouraged. Reviews should situate the book in its wider context of relevance, summarize the main arguments and finally address the reviewer’s own commentary. Reviews should ideally consist of 800-1000 words, though for multiple books this is lengthened to 1500.
We also introduce Intraviews, a format aimed at introducing into our discussions books (or, in justified cases, other text formats) published in languages other than English. Intraviews should present this work as much as possible on its own terms, while also explaining to international audiences how it intervenes in the local (and, if applicable, international) debates. Standard ‘framing’ of the argument in the context of mainstream anglophone research is needed only if it creates real value. Bringing the author’s voice through generous quotations is encouraged. Intraviews should ideally consist of 1000-1500 words.
All books for review, book reviews, and Intraviews should be sent to: Joanna Kusiak, Book Reviews Editor, King’s College Cambridge, UK.
Email: [email protected], with CC to [email protected].
Language standards policy
IJURR actively supports and encourages scholarship from around the globe and acknowledges that those for whom English is not their native language may have difficulties expressing themselves fluently in English. IJURR’s editorial team and editorial board are themselves multinational and multilingual in terms of home language, and many of the journal’s reviewers do not speak English as their first language. The editors do not discriminate against submissions that do not achieve high standards of English. Submissions to IJURR are reviewed on the basis of their original insights, theoretical and empirical, and on the potential to communicate these effectively to international debates. This is a policy that IJURR reviewers are alert to. IJURR provides a very high quality copy editing service to authors once their paper has been accepted for publication, the cost of which is part of the production expenditure of the journal and is not passed on to the author. Occasionally, we receive papers written in English that may have publication potential in terms of the research, but are not fully comprehensible and cannot be taken forward for review. In these cases we would ask the author to work alongside a native English speaker familiar with the field of research to produce a manuscript that would be intelligible to the editors and the reviewers. On a discretionary case by case basis, the editors may elect to review a paper submitted in a language other than English. This would be dependent on a positive initial assessment by IJURR and our ability to find sufficient experts in the field to review the paper.
Pre-submission English-language editing
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English. A list of independent suppliers of editing services can be found at All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.
Supporting Information
IJURR is happy to accept articles with extra material supplied for online only publication. This may include appendices, supplementary figures, sound files, videoclips etc. These will be posted on Wiley Online Library with the article. The print version will have a note indicating that extra material is available online. Please indicate clearly on submission which material is for online only publication. Please note that extra online only material is published as supplied by the author in the same file format and is not copyedited or typeset. Further information about this service can be found at
Any maps, diagrams and figures should be submitted in the form of completed artwork suitable for reproduction.
Black and white figures should be supplied in separate files at the end of the manuscript and should not be embedded within the article. Lines should be clean and clear, tints and complex shading should be avoided. Any labels and keys must be legible when reproduced. Figures should either be originated in a drawing package and saved as an EPS or TIF file, or produced in Excel. Line art should be supplied to at least 600dpi and halftones to 300dpi at actual size. Figures should not be embedded into a Word file as this lowers the resolution. Contributors will be asked to resupply their artwork if figures don’t meet these specifications.
Where artwork is being supplied, please bear in mind that illustrations cannot be reproduced at more than the size of the text area of the journal page, i.e. 134 x 204 mm. All illustrations should be drawn for the same reduction, ideally 3:2. Lettering should be of draughtsman standard; please bear the reduction in mind in both lettering and weight of line.
Good quality photographs will be considered for inclusion where they add substantially to the argument, to a maximum of three per article. These can be supplied electronically as TIF files scanned to at least 300dpi. Colour figures can be provided for use in the journal. At the editors’ discretion these will be printed in colour. If they are not printed in colour then they can be reproduced in colour online and black and white in print.
Colour figures can be provided for use in the online version. However, contributors must remember that these will appear in the printed version in black and white. Any colours used should therefore be distinguishable from each other in the greyscale format, especially in maps, pie charts and bar charts.
It is the contributor’s responsibility to clear any necessary copyright permissions, to pay any reproduction feeds charged by the copyright owner, and to provide a list of captions and (where relevant) credit lines. A list of captions to the illustrations, including source information, should be supplied separately from the text, and the position of the illustrations should be clearly indicated in the text.
Further details on electronic artwork can be found at
Tables should be typed on separate sheets from the text, and their position in the text indicated. References in text to figures and table should be in the form ‘see Table 4’, ‘as in Figure 6’.
Please follow these notes:
- Use ‘ize’, not ‘ise’ where there is an alternative, e.g. realize, recognize; and in general follow the first variant given by the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary; NB analyse, advertise, exercise.
- Dates: please use these forms: 16 March 1999; the 1980s; the twenty-first century; a nineteenth-century system; c. 2000.
- Numbers: all numbers under 10 should be spelled out except where attaching to a unit of quantity (e.g. 10 km, 3 kg), or where the context makes this awkward (e.g. use full forms at the beginning of a sentence). Please use the form 36%, 3% for percentages. Elide numerals where possible, e.g. 1923–4, 40–5; but 1917–18, 304–15.
- Avoid excessive capitalization.
- Use SI units.
- Use italics for emphasis very sparingly.
- Abbreviations: abbreviations such as UN, UNESCO, BBC should be typed without full points; so should contractions (where the last letter of the abbreviation is the last letter of the word), such as Mr, Dr, St, etc. Other abbreviations (e.g. no., ed., etc.) retain the full point.
- Headings: In articles using various levels of subheading, please indicate the level of heading by writing A, B, C beside each heading in the margin. No numbering is required. Please avoid using more than three levels of subheading.
- Quotations of more than about 60 words should be set out from the text with space above and below.
Footnotes: Footnotes appear on the page in the journal. Please number them consecutively throughout the article and type them at the end of the manuscript, with reference numbers in square brackets in the text. Please keep footnotes to a reasonable minimum.
The journal welcomes both Harvard and Chicago reference systems. As a general rule, newspaper articles, historical archives and legal cases should be referenced in the footnotes in both systems. Please refer to the journal’s style of referencing for the system you are using found in the Author Submission Guidelines. The following applies to both Harvard and Chicago. All references should be given in full, based on the following general guidelines:
- Journal titles should not be abbreviated.
- Article and book titles should include subheadings.
- Volume and issue number/month/season (where applicable) of journal articles must be supplied.
- Conference paper details must include conference title, dates and place.
- Places of publication may be given in the original language of publication, e.g. Wien, Torino.
- PhD dissertations and masters’ theses should include Department, School or Institute and University.
- The date for newspaper articles and page number(s) or URLs must be supplied (the latter with an accessed date).
- URLs must be working and connect with the source or archived data (not a homepage).
- Include names of ALL editors/authors, date of publication, publisher and place.
- Article, chapter and book titles as well as subtitles should appear in their original language/script followed where appropriate by an English translation, in regular font, set in square brackets. Use standardized romanization systems (e.g. romaji, pinyin) or transcription (e.g. Arabic or Hebrew) for writing systems that do not range from left to right.
Articles submitted to IJURR must be original work that has not been published previously. Only in very exceptional cases will this policy be departed from. IJURR takes plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, very seriously and corresponding authors must confirm they have read the declaration of misconduct before submitting a manuscript. Please note that IJURR now screens all submissions through plagiarism checking software. It is important that all authors reference themselves and their previous works correctly, to avoid issues of self-plagiarism. The IJURR editorial office will prepare all papers for the review process. The guidelines for legitimate scholarship can be found here.
Author Services
Author Services enables authors to track their article – once it has been accepted – through the production process to publication online and in print. Authors can check the status of their articles online and choose to receive automated e-mails at key stages of production. The author will receive an e-mail with a unique link that enables them to register and have their article automatically added to the system. Please ensure that a complete e-mail address is provided when submitting the manuscript. Visit for more details on online production tracking and for a wealth of resources including FAQs and tips on article preparation, submission and more.
Proofs will be supplied only once, in the form of PDF proofs sent by email, except in exceptional circumstances, when paper proofs can be supplied. Please remember that:
- Proof corrections are disproportionately expensive and should be avoided unless absolutely essential.
- If you return proofs even a few days after the date stipulated, it may be too late to include corrections in the final version of the journal.
Authors must obtain permission to reproduce copyrighted maps and diagrams. Full information of work cited ⎯ author, date, publisher and page references ⎯ should be given for all maps, diagrams and figures. Single passages of quoted prose should not normally exceed 250 words, or scattered passages more than 400 words, from any work. UK copyright extends to 50 years after the death of the author or 50 years after the publication of a scholarly edition. See also p.6. of the Author Submission Guidelines.
Copyright Agreement Form
Authors will be required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement form (CTA) for all papers accepted for publication which you can read here. Signature of the CTA is a condition of publication and papers will not be passed to the publisher for production unless a signed form has been received. Please note that signature of the CTA form does not affect ownership of copyright in the material. (Government employees need to complete the Author Warranty sections, although copyright in such cases does not need to be assigned). After submission authors will retain the right to publish their paper in various media/circumstances (please see the form for further details).
The journal was founded under the auspices of the ISA research committee on the sociology of regional and urban development.
Thank you for your cooperation