Book reviewed in this article:
Blackman, Tim 1991: Planning Belfast.
Budd, Leslie and Sam Whimster (eds) 1992: Global finance and urban living: a study of metropolitan change.
London Planning Advisory Committee (1991) London: World city moving into the 21st century.
Burawoy, M., A. Burton, A.A. Ferguson, K.J. Fox, J. Gamson, N. Gartrell, L. Hurst, C. Kurzman, L. Salzinger, J. Schiffman and S. Ui 1991: Ethnography unbound: power and resistance in the modern metropolis.
Caves, Roger W. 1992: Land use planning: the ballot box revolution.
Paul Cloke (ed.) 1992: Policy and change in Thatcher’s Britain.
Gray, Ian 1992: Politics in place: social power relations in an Australian country town.
Isin, Engin 1992: Cities without citizens.
Robins, Kevin (ed.) 1992: Understanding information: business, technology and geography.
Simon, David 1992: Cities, capital and development: African cities in the world economy.
Western, John 1992: A passage to England: Barbadian Londoners speak of home.
Wolman, Harold and Michael Goldsmith 1992: Urban politics and policy: a comparative approach.