Book reviewed in this article:
Beauregard, R., editor, 1989: Economic restructuring and political response.
Blanke, B., Heinelt, H., and Macke, C.‐W. 1987: Großstadt und Arbeitslosigkeitein Problemsyndrom im Netz lokaler Sozialpolitik.
Block, F.R. 1988: Revising state theory: essays in politics and postindustrialism.
Breckner, I. and Krummacher, M. 1985: Regionalentwicklung zwischen Technologieboom und Resteverwertung.
Krummacher, M., Schrooten, F. and Wupper, H. 1986: Umbruch der Stadt — z. B. Bochum.
Forrest, R. and Murie, A. 1988: Selling the welfare state: the privatisation of public housing.
Gottdiener, M. 1987: The decline of urban politics: political theory and the crisis of the local state.
Harris, A., Lloyd, G. and Newlands, D. 1988: The impact of oil on the Aberdeen economy.
Huttman, E. and van Vliet, W. editors, 1988: Handbook of housing and the built environment in the United States.
Keim, D., editor, 1989: Arbeit an der Stadt: Plädoyers für eine selbstproduktive Politik der Stadtentwicklung.
Lefèvre, Ch., Body‐Gendrot, S. et al. 1988: Les villes des Etats‐Unis.
Peet, R., editor, 1987: International capitalism and industrial restructuring: a critical analysis.
Porteous, J.M. 1989: Planned to death: the annihilation of a place called Howdendyke.
Prigge, W., editor, 1987: Die Materialität des Städtischen: Stadtentwicklung im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch.
Scott, A.J. 1988: New industrial spaces.
Smith, M. P. 1988: City, state and market: the political economy of urban society.
Solomos, J. 1988: Black youth, racism and the state: the politics of ideology and policy.
Stoker, G., 1988: The politics of local government.
Tomlinson, R. and Addleson, M., editors, 1988: Regional restructuring under apartheid: urban and regional policies in contemporary South Africa.
Weiss, M. A. 1987: The rise of the community builders: the American real estate industry and American land planning.
White, M. 1987. American neighbourhoods and residential differentiation.
Wolch, J. and Dear, M., editors, 1989: The power of geography, how territory shapes social life.