Book reviewed in this article:
Anning, N. et al. 1980: Squatting: the real story.
Bairoch, P. and Lévy‐Leboyer, M. editors, 1981: Disparities in economic development since the industrial revolution.
Diani, M. 1978: Déplacements quotidiens de main d’oeuvre et conflits dans la région milanaise.
Freyssenet, M. 1979: Division du travail et mobilisation quotidienne de la main d’oeuvre. Les cas Renault et Fiat.
Gudgin, G. and Taylor, P.J. 1979: Seats, votes, and the spatial organisation of elections.
Merrill, R.L. 1981: Political redistricting and geographic theory.
Hoffmann, G.W. editor, 1981: Federalism and regional development: case studies on the experience in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany.
Ravetz, A. 1980: Remaking cities.
Rees, J., Hewings, C. J. D. and Stafford, H. A. editors, 1981: Industrial location and regional systems.
Réseau ‘Modes de vie’ 1981: Approches sociologiques des modes de vie. Débats en cours.
Rodwin, L. 1981: Cities and city planning.
Simmie, J. 1981: Power, property and corporatism: the political sociology of planning.
Sternlieb, G. and Hughes, J.W. 1981: The future of rental housing.
Gilderbloom, J. editor, 1981: Rent control: a source book.
Stewart, A. 1981: Housing action in an industrial suburb.
Sutcliffe, A. editor, 1981: British town planning: the formative years.