Books reviewed:
Stuart Aitken Geographies of young people: the morally contested spaces of identity
Akel Ismail Kahera Deconstructing the American mosque: space, gender, and aesthetics
Eric Klinenberg Heatwave: a social autopsy of disaster in Chicago
Louise Chawla (ed.) Growing up in an urbanising world
Richard Tomlinson, Robert A. Beauregard, Lindsay Bremner and Xolela Mangcu (eds.) Emerging Johannesburg: perspectives on the postapartheid city
Bent Flyvbjerg Making social science matter
David J. Myers and Henry A. Dietz (eds.) Capital city politics in Latin America: democratization and empowerment
Dennis R. Judd (ed.) The infrastructure of play
Dominique Malaquais Architecture, pouvoir et dissidence au Cameroun
Lydia Morris Managing migration. Civic stratification and migrants’ rights