Book Reviews


Books reviewed:

Held, David, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt and Jonathan Perraton Global transformations: politics, economics and culture

Lin, George C.S. Red capitalism in South China

Keyder, Ç. (ed.) Istanbul: between the global and the local

JGlasser, Irene and Rae Bridgman Braving the street: the anthropology of homelessness

Vanhove, Norbert Regional policy: a European approach

Downey, John and Jim McGuigan (eds.) Technocities

Malbon, Ben Clubbing: dancing, ecstasy and vitality

Hedlund, Stefan Russia’s `market’ economy. A bad case of predatory capitalism

Chavez, John R. Eastside landmark: a history of the East Los Angeles Community Union 1968–1993

Butler, Ruth and Hester Parr (eds) Mind and body spaces: geographies of illness, impairment and disability

Germaine, Annick and Damaris Rose Montréal: the quest for a metropolis

Narotzky, Susana New directions in economic anthropology
