Aims and Origins


The IJURR Foundation Ltd (previously Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies Ltd) was set up in 1995 as a charity under the Companies Act. Its main source of income is the surplus generated by the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, the leading critical urban and regional studies journal established in 1977 and published by Wiley-Blackwell. IJURR is run by a wholly-owned subsidiary of the IJURR Foundation.

The aims of IJURR Foundation are to ‘promote and improve social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of urban, rural and regional studies’. To this end it may:

  1. publish journals, books, articles, bulletins, reports and other materials in any media,
  2. arrange and host or support courses, workshops, seminars and other educational activities,
  3. provide for individuals to participate in conferences, courses, workshops, seminars and other educational activities, and
  4. arrange or support research and activities related to research.

In practice it focuses on two main activities: giving studentships to postgraduate research students and giving writing up grants to PhD students close to submission. The details of how these work (rules, application forms) and the names of the recipients can be found elsewhere on this website.

IJURR Foundation is run by Trustees who hold an annual meeting. They are currently: Tuna Tasan-Kok (Chair), Tom Goodfellow (Treasuer),  Daniel Agbiboa, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos,  Emma Jackson, Barbara Lipietz, Champaka Rajagopal, Li Wan, Company Secretary and Administrator of IJURR Foundation is Sarah Daisy.

Further information about the origins of IJURR Foundation (previously FURS) can be found in an article in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 22.4, 1998, 676-82.

The IJURR Foundation Data Privacy Statement can be found here.

About the Foundation

Our aim is to promote and improve social scientific research, education and scholarship in the field of urban, rural and regional studies.